Sunday, 30 January 2011

Dear So and So....

Dear English Assignment,

Please tell me what you want from me! My head and my folder are full of so much related information but I just don't know which ones to put on paper, please jump out at me.

Confused student.


Dear Bed,

Please remain the comfiest warmest place in the world at the weekend but make yourself very undesirable so that getting up at 7am isn't so hard! Also, if you could attract me to bed a little earlier on those nights that would be beneficial.

Sleep lover.


Dear House,

Please stop being so cold, and when you do put the heating on could you make sure my room actually feels the benefit because I don't want to have to sit on my laptop fully dressed, under the covers, with a dressing gown and gloves!

Cold Cold Tenant.


Dear Tea,

I love you! You make everything better, you cheer me up, make me warmer and less sleepy :) All I can ask is would you mind making yourself sometimes and tell me why you taste sooo bad in a flask?!

Tea Lover.


Dear Recipe Books,

Please stop tempting me with ideas for meals, my cupboards are already overflowing with ingredients and the freezer is full of leftovers saved for other meals. Stop tempting me to go and buy more from the supermarket just to try the next recipe, I have stuff to use up first!

Aspiring Chef.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

I've had a breakthrough!

I've been planning this blog for a while and have decided to write it now as I'm Still proud of myself!
I've never likes scary films, probably because my parents don't so I've never watched them at home. I'd managed to avoid them and friend's houses and sleepovers and don't remember ever actually watching a horror film so I don't really know where the assumption came from.
Anyway, when I came to Uni a my housemates had Saw marathons and I always left the room (looking behind me cautiously all the way down the stairs!).  Since moving into our house this year the collection of DVD's between us that are not horror have been exhausted so I ended up being convinced into watching Hostel....

I have to say, I quite enjoyed it! The first thing I got over was that it actually has a storyline, I'd naively assumed that it would start with blood and gore and continue for an hour and a half. I followed the storyline and got involved in the plot, then it got gruesome...  I did have to look away but wasn't quite as disturbed as I thought I would be.
So I watched it until the end to find that someone actually got away, something that made the whole film a bit more bearable for me (an almost happy ending). 
So now I can say that I do Not hate scary films, however my housemates went on to watch Saw and I opted out, not sure i'm quite ready for that yet but day!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

5 Things I wish I could do.

When thinking of things that I wish I could do I first came up with fun, useless things then some practical things and have decided on a mixture of the two!

One- Be Motivated 

When it comes to assignment writing and uni work I really want to do well but sitting down to actually do it causes all types of distractions- making cups of tea, snacking, internet shopping, chatting .etc. anything to type anything but the title. Motivation to work hard to complete my assignments with maximum effort would be wonderful!

Two- Fly! 

The bain of my life is travelling, it takes ages and is so boring, how much would it be if I could fly everywhere?! This has been one of my lifelong ambitions, maybe one day it will happen!

Three- Keep plants alive

I have never been very good at looking after things, I had to get rid of my rabbit when I was younger because I didn't clear it out! I have killed a cactus and a lucky bamboo in the past (both are supposed to be impossible to kill!). Recently, I got an beautiful orchid and was determined to keep it alive, I even bought special food and searched on the internet for how to care for it. It survived the travel to my uni house and lived for the whole first term until I came home for christmas and stupidly listened to my housemate who said that it would live for four weeks if I left it in my room. He was wrong, I can back to find a dead, floppy orchid and leaves and was devastated. I am currently watering it and living in hope that it will come back to life!

Four- Exercise

This relates to lack of motivation, every time I start to exercise more often it doesn't last long. I have embarrassingly low fitness and really want to get fitter so I can exercise for longer but I simply cannot be bothered!


Five- Eating cake all day and never see the effects!

I love baking cakes and decorating them in sicky sweet ways but currently avoid making them because I know I will eat them all and then the guilt will kick in! So I wish I could eat what I wanted and not feel that 'lifetime on the hips'!

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Love is a Battlefield (cake!)

This weekend I went to visit the lovely Ivy, we had an amazing time, I met her housemates who are awesome, we watched some films (or parts of them) and I was introduced to Primeval (Sorry, Ivy, I won't be following the series) but I was also introduced to the very addictive Take Me Out with Paddy McGuiness, who I love for being Northern anyway! Take Me Out involves about twenty women and one man who eventually gets a date with one of the women, also this program is very shallow due to women being picked mainly on looks, it is brilliant entertainment. I found myself laughing at the men and the dates from the previous weeks and looking forward to watching how this weeks contestants got on on their dates!
I also found it hilarious Ivy's housemate who wants to go on the show because he's taken a liking to one of the girls on the show 'little lucy' and got nervous when she nearly got a date because he wanted her!

Moving on, we made an awesome cake! I got the idea from a friend for a battlefield cake consisting of 'dead' animal sweeties with blood and gore, Ivy was very much into this idea so we decided to give it a go on epic proportions...
Three cake mixes were used to fill this massive dish (I know that's cheating but we didn't have scales). This is it fresh out of the oven, although we discovered it was not quite cooked in the middle...oops.

We made green icing for the 'grass' but it ended it lime green, Ivy covered the sides very well!

The finished cake- teddies and jelly babies Vs snakes and crocodiles = a bloody mess!

It was yummy and perfectly cooked if you got a side piece! I also managed to sync my ipod to Ivy's computer so I enjoyed a small percentage of her music on the train home which was fun. I now want to steal her Micheal Buble and selected Glee tracks!

The train ride home was tiring and my cold has developed over the weekend so my state of laziness caused me to be grumpy when I got back and I burnt my hand when making tea, however I had bought some Lush goodies and I had a lovely smelling bath which made me feel better. I dressed my burn with a cupcake plaster, bought for me by my boyfriend because 'I like cupcakes and always hurt myself' and now I feel much better!

Making Smiles on Faces :)

To say up to now I have only posted one entry I am very happy to have won two awards, it is a very nice welcome into the blogging world! The first was from Liberty for this reason 'because she’s new to blogging and one of Ivy’s oldest friends. Plus what she said about her boyfriend in her first post made me smile because I’ve known them both seperately forever (he used to be in my form at school XD) and it makes me feel (probably creepily) maternily happy to see them together.' This made me smile, thanks! My second award is from  Ivy who has given me a lot to live up to!

Because I'm new to blogging I haven't really followed many blogs so don't have many awards to give however I there are a couple of people who actually inspired me to create my own blog in the first place..

Ivy in the Corner I went to school with Ivy and recently found her blog as a brilliant way to keep up with what she's been up to at Uni and how she is. I went to visit Ivy this weekend, had a fantastic time and was inspired to write many more blog entries, I just hope she likes them. :)

Qwerty Mum I found this blog through facebook because it's Ivy's mum. I have loved hearing about her siblings and watching the adorable videos, I also loved the Toyology reviews over christmas because who doesn't love toys? Qwerty Mum also inspired me to enter competitions too but I haven't been quite as successful as her!

Thanks for the support everyone and keep up your wonderful blogs please.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

And here I am...

I've started a blog! After reading my friend Ivy's blog and also following her mum (mainly due to cute baby videos) I  decided I would start my own, I don't quite know what I will be writing about yet but I think it will be fun, in the words of Ivy I will share my 'occasional brain splats' :)

So... who am I?

Well, I'm at University studying Primary Education and about to start my second year placement in a Foundation 2 class (reception to you and me)

I'm Vegetarian, mainly because I don't really like the taste of meat.

I dream of owning a cupcakery one day because I love baking :)

I love my parents and am an only child

I have a wonderful boyfriend who is at University in Scotland (a long way away!)

I love my friends, they are all wonderful in their own way

and I've never been much of a diary keeper or creative writer so this blog will be interesting!