So I've been pretty busy recently and thought I'd update you on what's going on in my life!
Market Square, Nottingham |
Job hunting
As I do a primary teaching course we'll all been applying for jobs for September. Some of my friends are moving back home but I decided I wanted to look in Nottingham, the city I have been at uni at. I love the city and the idea of getting a flat and staying here, living like a proper adult and excited me!
So, I don't know if you know but when applying for teaching jobs it's advised to arrange a visit and look around the school first. So I ended up looking around about 9 or 10 schools and decided a couple weren't for me.
Then there was applications to do, personalising each one to the school.
The whole process was, and still is, pretty stressful as you can't help but compare yourself to friends who seem to be getting jobs and interviews before you.
Teaching Interviews
Then, when I was lucky enough to be invited to interviews there was the preparing for my lesson and interview in advance. I actually had two interviews and luckily both asked me to teach an English lesson so I could use a similar lesson! I was unsuccessful in the first but knowing what to expect calmed me for the second. On my second interview I also had to prepare a 5 minute presentation about my lesson. The second was actually a really enjoyable day, the staff were lovely and I enjoyed chatting to other candidates. Then there was the nerve wracking wait for the call and I am so excited to say I GOT THE JOB!
The job
I'm so excited to go into school in July to get acquainted before having my own KS2 class in September. It's a lovely school and I can't wait. I've been addicted to Pinterest, looking at how I'm going to set up my classroom.
This week is actually my last ever week at university after 4 years which is very strange! I'm writing an essay that's due in on Wednesday then it's goodbye from the lecturers. On Friday we then have our teachers ball which is very exciting, I have my dress sorted (photos to come after!)
Flat hunting
As I'm now going to be staying in Nottingham and visiting my school in July I need to find a flat to move into before my student house tenancy ends in June. This is very exciting as I've been looking forward to decorating a flat and living alone for a while. It's great that i have friends staying in the area that I can visit too. My parents are coming down to help me flat hunt then July/ August I'll preparing my flat/ buying furniture and preparing my classroom.
Exciting stuff!
Good luck to anyone else graduating this year (mines in July) and job hunting!