Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The Beautiful Language

Some random Italian....

Dai!:  ”Come on!/Give me a break!/Stop it!” pronounced 'Die', It's quite funny to hear kids who are being slow are annoying say 'dai!' to each other.
 Basta!:  ”Stop!/That's enough” Pretty much to stop kids fighting or to get them to listen.
Che schifo: “Gross!” Literally means “how disgusting”, the kids said it a lot about the food, something I want to bring back home!
Allora…“Okay…/So…/Well…”  thinking time basically, before a sentence. Particularly amusing when used by the kids before speaking English.
Cin cin!  : “Cheers!”  Pronounced “chin chin".
Preggo: "you're welcome/after you" Very confusing really as you think people in the lift are saying 'you're welcome' before you've said Grazie!
Pronto: "Ready" used when answering the phone instead of ciao like "I'm Listening".
Sono Piena: "I'm Full!"

1 comment:

  1. It is such a beautiful language. Hearing Ciao bella when you enter shops feels me with such joy. I occasionally hear it in Melbourne, but your posts are having me hanker for a return to Italy. sigh.
