Friday, 18 November 2011

25 Things I like about myself

The wonderful Ivy did this lovely post and I thought It'd make me feel good :)

01. My Mum is my best friend. I can only hope to be so close to my children, she's always there for me and we have lots of fun. I love her.

02. I love my family. I love spending time with my grandma and my parents, My dad is amazing and they always make me happy.

03. I am cheerful. Generally people laugh with (or at) me.

04. I am sociable. I will talk to anyone and this means I have a lot of friends which I love.

05. I am confident. I don't hold back.

06. I can drive. I don't need to rely on anyone else, I can just pop in my car.

07. I am independent. I don't feel like I'm a burden to anyone else because I'm happy doing things alone.

08. I'm not too hard on myself. I will let myself have a break, like now for example, I feel really poorly in bed so I thought this would be more beneficial than uni work.

09. I can work hard when I need to. Like my GCSE's and A Level's for example.

10. I am positive. I think this helps me in getting things done, getting jobs .etc. because I assume 'I can'. I generally look on the bright side of everything.

11. I have wonderful friends. I will walk away from friendship if it's not good for me. But the friends I have, old and new, are awesome.

12. I love my university course. I cannot wait to be a Primary School teacher!

13. My hair. I have very curly, thick hair. Sometimes I like this, It styles quite well, straight or curly.

14. My hair colour. My hair is brilliant at absorbing hair dye, for example, I dyed my hair red a year ago and when I wear it down it is still obviously red without an obvious line where it has grown out.

15. I am immature and proud. I love to watch Disney movies and be taken back to childhood. I'll be the one in the shop buying stickers and a Disney princess cup!

16. I can cook and bake. When I feel like it, it turns out pretty well.

17. I am creative. Not in the skilled painters way but I think of original ideas and sometimes like to make things.

18. I'm a geek. I love gadgets.

19. I'm tidy. I like to live in a neat place where everything has a space.

20. I can spoil myself. I'm good at buying myself little things that cheer me up.

21. I'm productive. I get satisfied by ticking off lists.

22. I'm easily amused. Even if I really want to be sad, I can't. People can always cheer me up.

23. I don't let money hold me back. As a student I will go out for meals,nights out and go shopping in M&S Food (not all the time!) because I want to!

24. I help others. Whether It's giving to charity, being an emotional support to a friend or babysitting for mum's friends, I don't  mind.

25. I like my own space sometimes. I can now be in my own company and  be happy (something I couldn't do as a child).

There we go, that was difficult and I may have repeated myself but it made me feel better. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to spread the self-happiness-joy-boost-type-thinger...

    Well, that sentence got away with me >.<

    Love you xxx
