Thursday, 9 February 2012

Many Reasons to be Cheerful!

Last day of placement tomorrow! Sad to leaving the class but the stress is over for another year which is relieving.
Had my final observation today which was risky because I did a very active lesson involving jelly cubes and chopsticks, anyway it went well and the kids loved it.
Then after my tutors feedback I had my grading meeting and got 9/9 'good's with aspects of 'very good' so as a third year I am well on the way to 'very good' and am very happy!

Time for celebration! Thank you's for the staff and goodies for the children tomorrow-

I'm spending this evening (paperwork free) making McDonalds 'fries' boxes so we can do origami and nets tomorrow. I also have marshmallow and spaghetti tower building planned.
Highlight of the week- art club's muriel, rainbows, snow and the beach. This was the result of a cancelled local trip because of the ice. Very excited to show it in assembly tomorrow.

I love teaching!


  1. Really lovely and very different Reasons to be Cheerful post. You sounds wonderful

  2. Ahhhhhhhhhh! Takes me back to when i was on teaching practice. Aren't young children wonderful!?

  3. Sounds like you've had a lovely placement

    (commenting from the #R2BC linky)
