Thursday, 9 August 2012

Acrylic painting

After a recent visit to the Rolf Harris exhibition in Liverpool I was inspired to paint with acrylics.
I bought a starter set and some canvases to have a play with. I decided to base a painting on 'Uluru Sunset' by him.

I started off my doing the background of the sunset using the colours he had used.

I was really pleased with how it turned out but then had to have a go at adding something in the foreground. I decided to only add one tree which started bare and almost symmetrical.

Then I added more spindely, uneven branches to give a more natural finish and decided to leave it at that! I could have added autumn leaves to make it softer but I liked the striking silhouette.

I'm very pleased with this as a first attempt, what do you think?


  1. That looks great! You're very talented! =)

  2. Thats such a lovely painting! I wish I was that creative! :) Katherine xxx
