Sunday, 16 December 2012

NOTD: Models Own 'in the navy' and christmas nail art

Today's nails of the day are Models Own 'in the navy' which is a lovely navy blue which I got from the Clothes Show. I instantly loved this and only needed one coat as it gave perfect coverage.

I then had a brainwave and decided to do some snowman nail art. Here is how it turned out....

I was very pleased with it, and of course I did the same on the other hand. This was really easy to do, I used a white polish to colour part of the nail, then used my black models own nail art pen to add eyes and a mouth. I then used a cocktail stick in my new Barry M orange nail polish to make his little nose.

However, I had a bit of an issue with the white polish. As I'm home from uni at the moment I didn't have all my supplies and I'd left my white polish at home. The only alternative I had was the OPI white shatter polish I got at the Clothes Show. I decided to give it a go and thought a couple of coats might solve the problem. It started ok, the first coat started to crackle so I just went over it and it seemed relatively crack-free so I went on with the other details. However, I don't know whether this is because OPI is a particularly good brand (one I haven't tried before) but this crackle polish continued to want to crackle even after I thought it was dry! After I applied the topcoat and it was dry my snowmen appeared to become cracked so the look is not quite as good as above now.

Anyway, this nail art is really easy to try so I would recommend having a go yourself, just be sure to use normal white polish!

1 comment:

  1. I love your nail art! So cute! Wish I had the bloomin' patience to sit and do it!

