Monday, 4 March 2013

dotcomgiftshop wishlist

Today I discovered dotcomgiftshop and I wanted to share some things I've put on my wishlist for when I have a flat/house of my own (hopefully soon).

Tea and Sympathy Mug: How cute is this? I love it because I love Tea, and sometimes everyone needs a little sympathy! £3.95

Tea and Biscuits Please Mug: I love the tattoo print on this, fits with my blog doesn't it?! £3.95

Save The Planet Mug: This is so cute and I love the line at the bottom 'drink more tea, make more love'. £3.95

Ivory egg holder: I've never really seen the need for an egg holder but this is pretty cute! £6.95

Set of 6 Spice Tins: These are the cutest thing ever and I'd love a pastel theme to my kitchen. £9.95.

Tea, Coffee and Sugar Tins: These matching tins are lovely. £12.95

That's not even half of my wishlist but I couldn't resist sharing these, maybe I'll post some more soon. I cannot wait to be able to buy things like this!


  1. Aww these are so cute! Love the tea and biscuits please mug! :)

    F xx

  2. I never knew I needed an egg holder in my life until I saw this one! so cute! x
