Saturday, 9 August 2014

Summer Lovin' #3

Another busy week this week, this is turning out to be a great summer!

Sunday- After last week's London trip I was exhausted but I enjoyed spending time with my parents and my Mum made a great banana bread.

Monday- I drove up from my parents house to my visit my Grandma in Lancashire, we went out for lunch did some homeware shopping then enjoyed the sunshine in the garden with an ice cream before a yummy chinese takeaway.

Tuesday- I took my Grandma to the beach today which was really lovely, we had another ice cream (naughty!) but this one was amazing! Then I made the long drive back to my flat.

Wednesday- I met up with a friend in town for bagels, I then did some successful present buying and we both went for an impromptu pedicure. It was my first one and I loved it, especially since I got to sit on a massage chair.

Thursday- Me and another friend went to Wollaton Hall, we enjoyed looking around the hall which is now a history museum. We had a picnic and then got up and close with some deer!

Friday- Today I spent the morning sorting and I had a make up clean out. Then I went to town and did some more present shopping. After present wrapping I treated myself to some DVDs and a book.

Saturday- I had a lovely lazy morning then met a friend for tea and cake and dress shopping.

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