Monday, 20 June 2011

Listography- 5 Inventions I wish were real

Self sorting wardrobe- After the amount of time I have spent packing and unpacking my clothes in the last few days I have decided that clothes should have a built in calender so when you haven't worn them for far too long they disappear. It could also automatically throw out clothes that do not fit anymore.

Hangoverless alcohol- This is not because I want to abuse alcohol but simply because I want to enjoy time with friends without suffering far too much the next day.

A self cleaning house- This also relates to the fact I spent four hours cleaning the student house I just moved out of and still had an argument with my landlord who said it wasn't clean enough!

Teleportation Devise- To zoom to visit nice people and places with no travelling time (or cost)!

Food...Zapper? - A machine that reads your mind to discover what food you're craving then it appears. I think I saw this in Spy Kids the film...It would also be good if it could reduce the calories magically, when needed!


  1. Like your food zapper idea!

  2. The hangoverless alcohol is a MUST. Definitely ;-D

  3. Teleportation device is a must have invention! It has come up on so many lists so there is obviously a gap in the market! Love your list.

  4. Good thinking. We watched Sky Kids at the weekend and definitely want a sell filling food cupboard like they had in the safe house!

  5. Now I want cake, dammit! Better send a food zapper my way :)

  6. Oh yes, a self-sorting wardrobe. Sign me up for one please. I look at mine and despair
