Wednesday, 15 June 2011

A Materialistic List

I decided to ramble about some things I would currently like, please join me, blogging friends.

A Tiger Cub-
After watching 'Two Brothers' recently I realised that Tigers may be one of the only animals that I like, they are beautiful! Watching the hunter feed the cub was like a mixture of a cat and a dog, the perfect animal. I would, however, give it back when it grew up!
A Rose Ring- 
In a materialistic moment, browsing the Pandora website I saw this 
then later in the week found a Disney Couture collection with these snow white rings
definitely in a Rose Jewellery phase!

Spotify Unlimited-
On my current 30 day trial I would love to have unlimited offline music on my phone forever, I'd never have to buy tracks again! Alas, I do not want to pay monthly.

I'm also debating whether I would like a Kindle but I think I have come to the conclusion that I prefer to hold a thick book instead, also, my reading habit often fluctuates back to not picking up a book for months, so probably not a justifiable purchase.

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog post!
    Although I think if I made my own list it would probably go on forever! :D
