Friday, 13 June 2014

Fathers Day Gift Idea

I've noticed that when it comes round to Fathers Day the gifts seem to fit with particular interests- football, gold, cars .etc. My dad doesn't fit in with any of these and doesn't particularly want for anything, doesn't really cook, isn't a jewellery wearer or whiskey drinker, so he's always found him hard to buy for. I've done the fun joke presents before but they soon loose appeal and stay at the back of the cupboard. I've done vouchers before but it's hard enough to get him to go out and spend them so this year I thought I'd try something different.

I decided to make a 'Boy's Night In' kit- my mum sometimes sees friends on a Friday night when my Dad is pretty knackered from the working week and he usually watches a film/TV, drinks beer and has some snacks. So I thought I would provide him with those!

In the 'kit' I put-

-a DVD
-a magazine

and it's as simple as that! Of course there are lots of different variations of kits you could do- a BBQ kit, a football match kit .etc. I really hope my dad likes it and I hope you all have a good Fathers Day.

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