Sunday, 3 April 2011


Yesterday, I went to Birmingham for the day with my boyfriend and his family.
We had a lovely lunch in Cafe Rouge, where I realised how much the french don't like vegetarians when I asked for the only veggie thing on the menu and they asked me if I would like chicken with it?!

We then went to the IKON gallery. The first floor was an exhibition called 'Endless Facade'. I have to say I really didn't get it, even after the idea was explained to me it seemed a little far fetched! However, upstairs there was an exhibit called Gestures and I really enjoyed it. It was three rooms full of observational photographs that were really interesting. I came out wishing I had a camera on me and was looking for good shots all day. For example, I saw a statue sitting on a step next to a woman who looked like she was talking to him when she was infact on the phone, I also saw a modern sculpture with a path of water which a little girl was playing in, in her wellies!

When I got home and had a look  at the website I noticed that each picture was under a heading and enjoyed looking at them again to interpret them in a different way. It's definitely worth a look- . I think it might inspire a few 'Silent Sunday' or 'The Gallery' entries in weeks to come. Watch this space!

Then, my day got better when I had a piece of this in Selfridges......AMAZING!

And as I'm currently baking Cheesecake Brownies (rather than Brownie Cheesecake!) this is going to be an unhealthy weekend!

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