Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Listography- First 5 Albums

This week's Listography doesn't involve looking back that far into the past really. I can't really remember the first five albums I bought but I'll make a pretty accurate guess.

Spice Girls- Spiceworld
I have many memories of dressing up as the Spice Girls with friends, I always wanted to be Baby Spice (Emma Bunton), but I was often made to be Posh because I had brown hair. I remember loving the movie too.

Britney Spears- Hit Me Baby One More Time
I was a massive Britney fan, I had the albums, the singles, the video....the doll! 

Steps- Step One
I remember watching them on SMTV Live and having a thing for H. Oh dear, look at that curtain haircut!
S Club 7- Sunshine
I know I owned the album but I don't really remember listening to it much. I did watch their TV show a lot though.

A1- The A List
This is an album with a story- Just after they stopped being popular, I opened a children's bank account with Natwest- the free gifts were a Children's World Atlas and a choice of a CD. I chose A1- The A List, so there can't have been many good one's on the list! Anyway, I don't think I ever listened to it.


  1. Ha ha - I love the way you can tell who is in which generation by this list! A true 'pop' fan!

  2. I love it, pure feel good pop! Ok 'I must confess', I have Britney on my ipod jogging playlist.
