Friday, 22 April 2011

My Easter so far....

So I'm back from Aberdeen! 

Something I forgot to mention before I went is the lovely day I spent with Ivy, we had a veggie BBQ and made a huge fruit salad which was yummy and it was lovely catching up with her and seeing her little siblings. Then, for some reason, we did the bleep test, the terrible test of fitness that they make you do at school, and I scored just as badly as I thought I would. This has kick started me into realising that I need to improve my fitness, I intend to do this next term with swimming and yoga- I'm going to give it a go! 

Anyway more on that later, for now, a reflection on my trip, mainly told in pictures due to my snazzy new phone with a decent camera.
I had a really nice time with the boyf, we had a couple of days in the city mooching and sightseeing, a bit of cooking and eating out and general lazy movie watching. 

Bridge over the River Don

The Sea! I loved just listening to it, it was a windy cold day though.

I like looking at Scottish notes, it feels like I'm  on holiday in a foreign country.

My wonderfully indulgent easter egg from the boyfriend. I'm ashamed to say I have already eaten it all but that is mainly due to lack of available food at breakfast/ lunch time.

This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen! You can't see it very well but it's a boy walking his helium dog! I don't know whether it was intentionally half inflated but it was bouncing along on it's little legs grabbing everyone's attention as it 'walked' past.

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