Tuesday, 25 January 2011

5 Things I wish I could do.

When thinking of things that I wish I could do I first came up with fun, useless things then some practical things and have decided on a mixture of the two!

One- Be Motivated 

When it comes to assignment writing and uni work I really want to do well but sitting down to actually do it causes all types of distractions- making cups of tea, snacking, internet shopping, chatting .etc. anything to type anything but the title. Motivation to work hard to complete my assignments with maximum effort would be wonderful!

Two- Fly! 

The bain of my life is travelling, it takes ages and is so boring, how much would it be if I could fly everywhere?! This has been one of my lifelong ambitions, maybe one day it will happen!

Three- Keep plants alive

I have never been very good at looking after things, I had to get rid of my rabbit when I was younger because I didn't clear it out! I have killed a cactus and a lucky bamboo in the past (both are supposed to be impossible to kill!). Recently, I got an beautiful orchid and was determined to keep it alive, I even bought special food and searched on the internet for how to care for it. It survived the travel to my uni house and lived for the whole first term until I came home for christmas and stupidly listened to my housemate who said that it would live for four weeks if I left it in my room. He was wrong, I can back to find a dead, floppy orchid and leaves and was devastated. I am currently watering it and living in hope that it will come back to life!

Four- Exercise

This relates to lack of motivation, every time I start to exercise more often it doesn't last long. I have embarrassingly low fitness and really want to get fitter so I can exercise for longer but I simply cannot be bothered!


Five- Eating cake all day and never see the effects!

I love baking cakes and decorating them in sicky sweet ways but currently avoid making them because I know I will eat them all and then the guilt will kick in! So I wish I could eat what I wanted and not feel that 'lifetime on the hips'!

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