Thursday, 20 January 2011

And here I am...

I've started a blog! After reading my friend Ivy's blog and also following her mum (mainly due to cute baby videos) I  decided I would start my own, I don't quite know what I will be writing about yet but I think it will be fun, in the words of Ivy I will share my 'occasional brain splats' :)

So... who am I?

Well, I'm at University studying Primary Education and about to start my second year placement in a Foundation 2 class (reception to you and me)

I'm Vegetarian, mainly because I don't really like the taste of meat.

I dream of owning a cupcakery one day because I love baking :)

I love my parents and am an only child

I have a wonderful boyfriend who is at University in Scotland (a long way away!)

I love my friends, they are all wonderful in their own way

and I've never been much of a diary keeper or creative writer so this blog will be interesting!


  1. Love the blog design :)
    Hope you have as much fun blogging as I do xx

  2. Well doen on getting your blog set up, the characters are very cute! Careful as blogging is completely addictive. Came over to visit you from Ivy's.

    Mich x

  3. You should post recipes and the things you bake! I would love to read that mmmmm cupcakes :D

    I have an award for you on my blog to welcome you to the blogging world! x x x

  4. That sounds like a great idea Liberty, although I must admit I do most admit I do most of my baking at home not at uni, due to the fact that I could eat the whole batch without help!

    Thanks for the award :)
