Dear English Assignment,
Please tell me what you want from me! My head and my folder are full of so much related information but I just don't know which ones to put on paper, please jump out at me.
Confused student.
Dear Bed,
Please remain the comfiest warmest place in the world at the weekend but make yourself very undesirable so that getting up at 7am isn't so hard! Also, if you could attract me to bed a little earlier on those nights that would be beneficial.
Sleep lover.
Dear House,
Please stop being so cold, and when you do put the heating on could you make sure my room actually feels the benefit because I don't want to have to sit on my laptop fully dressed, under the covers, with a dressing gown and gloves!
Cold Cold Tenant.
Dear Tea,
I love you! You make everything better, you cheer me up, make me warmer and less sleepy :) All I can ask is would you mind making yourself sometimes and tell me why you taste sooo bad in a flask?!
Tea Lover.
Dear Recipe Books,
Please stop tempting me with ideas for meals, my cupboards are already overflowing with ingredients and the freezer is full of leftovers saved for other meals. Stop tempting me to go and buy more from the supermarket just to try the next recipe, I have stuff to use up first!
Aspiring Chef.
This made me laugh so much. Pure brilliance!