Sunday, 23 January 2011

Making Smiles on Faces :)

To say up to now I have only posted one entry I am very happy to have won two awards, it is a very nice welcome into the blogging world! The first was from Liberty for this reason 'because she’s new to blogging and one of Ivy’s oldest friends. Plus what she said about her boyfriend in her first post made me smile because I’ve known them both seperately forever (he used to be in my form at school XD) and it makes me feel (probably creepily) maternily happy to see them together.' This made me smile, thanks! My second award is from  Ivy who has given me a lot to live up to!

Because I'm new to blogging I haven't really followed many blogs so don't have many awards to give however I there are a couple of people who actually inspired me to create my own blog in the first place..

Ivy in the Corner I went to school with Ivy and recently found her blog as a brilliant way to keep up with what she's been up to at Uni and how she is. I went to visit Ivy this weekend, had a fantastic time and was inspired to write many more blog entries, I just hope she likes them. :)

Qwerty Mum I found this blog through facebook because it's Ivy's mum. I have loved hearing about her siblings and watching the adorable videos, I also loved the Toyology reviews over christmas because who doesn't love toys? Qwerty Mum also inspired me to enter competitions too but I haven't been quite as successful as her!

Thanks for the support everyone and keep up your wonderful blogs please.

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