Wednesday, 26 January 2011

I've had a breakthrough!

I've been planning this blog for a while and have decided to write it now as I'm Still proud of myself!
I've never likes scary films, probably because my parents don't so I've never watched them at home. I'd managed to avoid them and friend's houses and sleepovers and don't remember ever actually watching a horror film so I don't really know where the assumption came from.
Anyway, when I came to Uni a my housemates had Saw marathons and I always left the room (looking behind me cautiously all the way down the stairs!).  Since moving into our house this year the collection of DVD's between us that are not horror have been exhausted so I ended up being convinced into watching Hostel....

I have to say, I quite enjoyed it! The first thing I got over was that it actually has a storyline, I'd naively assumed that it would start with blood and gore and continue for an hour and a half. I followed the storyline and got involved in the plot, then it got gruesome...  I did have to look away but wasn't quite as disturbed as I thought I would be.
So I watched it until the end to find that someone actually got away, something that made the whole film a bit more bearable for me (an almost happy ending). 
So now I can say that I do Not hate scary films, however my housemates went on to watch Saw and I opted out, not sure i'm quite ready for that yet but day!


  1. The Saw films are great! Though, numbers 4 & 5 have Luke from Gilmore Girls in them - it upsets me when he gets got. >.<

    Maybe the Final Destination films are the stepping stone between Hostel and Saw P: *willing to watch those ANYTIME*


  2. I have never watched any of the Hostel films but considering in watching the Human Centipede....

    Dare I?....
