I also found it hilarious Ivy's housemate who wants to go on the show because he's taken a liking to one of the girls on the show 'little lucy' and got nervous when she nearly got a date because he wanted her!
Moving on, we made an awesome cake! I got the idea from a friend for a battlefield cake consisting of 'dead' animal sweeties with blood and gore, Ivy was very much into this idea so we decided to give it a go on epic proportions...
Three cake mixes were used to fill this massive dish (I know that's cheating but we didn't have scales). This is it fresh out of the oven, although we discovered it was not quite cooked in the middle...oops.
We made green icing for the 'grass' but it ended it lime green, Ivy covered the sides very well!
The finished cake- teddies and jelly babies Vs snakes and crocodiles = a bloody mess!
It was yummy and perfectly cooked if you got a side piece! I also managed to sync my ipod to Ivy's computer so I enjoyed a small percentage of her music on the train home which was fun. I now want to steal her Micheal Buble and selected Glee tracks!
The train ride home was tiring and my cold has developed over the weekend so my state of laziness caused me to be grumpy when I got back and I burnt my hand when making tea, however I had bought some Lush goodies and I had a lovely smelling bath which made me feel better. I dressed my burn with a cupcake plaster, bought for me by my boyfriend because 'I like cupcakes and always hurt myself' and now I feel much better!
I love uncooked cake. I would have been very happy eating the middle bit x