Tuesday, 26 April 2011

A bit of a Trauma.

On Sunday, In my new found motivation to keep fit, I decided I wanted to go on a little bike ride in the sun to get me back into it.
I dug it out of the garage and found that both tyres needed pumping up and didn't look in brilliant condition after being neglected for a year or so. Anyway, I decided I would replace them in the summer and just go for a short ride today.
I set off and was quite wobbly due to it being quite a while since I'd ridden a bike. Driving a car is quite different!
I was thinking about the comment my Mum had made earlier, mocking me for the comments on my Cycling Proficiency Test certificate (having 'only just' passed about 9 years ago).
Anyway, it was fun, I got about half a mile down the road when I was half way down a hill and was suddenly going quite fast and needing to break, then I panicked. I'd forgotten which brake was which, and apparently also forgotten how much force I needed to apply.
I got it wrong.
I hit the front brake, with a lot of force.
I went flying over the handlebars bashing my knees first, slamming my hands down in front of me and bashing my chin a little on the ground.
I was in a bit of shock, I got up, leaving my bike in the road and sat on the grass for a few minutes.
At this point I checked my grazes which were pretty measly and checked that my phone was unscathed.
I cautiously rid home and put my bike away, about to go inside and laugh at how stupid I'd been.
Then a thought occured to me, I looked at my wrist to see my brand new birthday present, my Pandora bracelet. Two charms were scratched but one was battered, knocked all over and one of the pearl pieces missing, I was devistated, I'd only had it a day.
I went inside, Mum was sympathetic, Dad couldn't quite believe it and was annoyed that he couldn't 'fix' it (he's a 'fixer').
We went in the car to look for the missing piece but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Anyway, at the moment I'm wearing my bracelet minus the damaged bead not need quite sure how to approach the subject as it was rather expensive and from my Grandma so I may have to replace it at some point.
At the time, my thoughts turned materialistic, I wasn't bothered about being hurt I was agonizing over a 'thing'.
Anyway, it seems I'd underestimated my injuries a little as I spent the rest of the day with a fuzzy dizzy head, after a bath and a good nights sleep, I woke up with aches and pains all over.
Two days later, my knees are purple, my thighs have purple/green handlebar bruises and both my wrists are sore at times and there is a little blue bruise on my chin.
However, I am fine, I've just apparently forgotten how to ride a bike.

Next time, I think I'll wear a helmet. It could have been a lot worse.


  1. What a pair we are!
    I went over the handlebars once cycling home a bit the worse for wear from a party when I was a teenager. I think the alcohol actually helped me make a good landing and I was relatively unharmed. The racing bike was mangled. I had to carry it home.
    Such a shame about the bracelet.

  2. Ouchhh!!!
    Last time I fell off a bike I tore my left side into shreds. I feel your pain.
    As you unoffical Doctor and caring friend, I prescribe Gilmore Girls with lots of tea. Biscuits optional, but highly recommended.
    Feel better <3

  3. I still remember the very first time I learned to ride a bike. I went straight into a offending cherry tree. When I was in the hospital, I started to eat biscuits and drink tea.

  4. Ouch. I'm pretty clumsy but can't be too bad because I've never been to hospital!
